Thursday, July 19, 2018

Welcome Back!

It took me long enough to come back to my blog didn't it? So much has changed, I felt like I needed a name change and a little makeover. The look will change a bit, but I wanted to get things up and running!

As stated so long ago when I started "Whiskey & Tutus", I am not a writer, please do not correct my grammar and other errors! I am not working right now so I don't have the luxury I normally do in showing my posts to a copywriter to check everything when they have time :).

Speaking of not working, most of you know that Kyle and I have moved again. This time we stayed in the country though and have made the move to Northern California! Kyle once again got an amazing opportunity to work on a new game with this title you may have heard of, Avengers. I am SO proud of him! We live in a little town called Montara and I absolutely love it. I have always wanted to live in San Francisco and the fact that it's only 22 miles "Over The Hill" is awesome.

You can Google Montara and check it out, but here's my take so far:
1. There's not one stoplight - so I roll through a lot of stop signs. Kidding, I fully stop. every. single. time.

2. The USPS does not deliver to our house, so we use the local post office. (We do get Fed-Ex and UPS though) Thank god because I Prime something weekly.

3. We have three restaurants in Montara. THREE. And also the cutest little coffee shop you ever did see.

4. Our neighboring towns are Moss Beach, Half Moon Bay and Pacifica. There are plenty of restaurants and shops so usually we just head over there! I will do a full round-up on where I have been in a future post. Not working I have decided to be a tourist and check out popular places.

5. Groceries - We have a small gourmet type store that you go to in a pinch and are looking to spend $75 on three items. Otherwise we go to Half Moon Bay or Pacifica to shop for groceries. Stores like Trader Joes are "Over The Hill". That's about a 20 minute drive or so. Half Moon Bay has a Whole Foods type store as well.

6. Horses! They are everywhere. There are ranches all around us. I can't tell you how many times I have taken Remi to the parks and see people riding their horses on the street or on the beach, it's pretty amazing! Remi LOVES horses and we've been taking her to the cutest little farm where she can ride her favorite pony, Cookie. Her love for horses has reignited mine as well and I have been looking into riding again. I am currently looking into leasing a horse. Whether I'll trail ride or learn to jump, I don't know yet. I am still deciding on a mare or a gelding! (I am hearing gelding all the way though).

7. The Coast in general is just breathtaking. It's absolutely beautiful here. The views from our house are insane. I love the fact that I can look out any window in our house and see big beautiful mountains as well as the ocean. Hearing the waves at night is my favorite thing. Taking our dog Maggie on trail walks every day is also the best. I always try and take her to jump in the water after our walk.

8. Coyotes and Mountain Lions and Raccoons and....We are in a rural area. This is something I needed to get used to again. I have lived in mountain towns before but walking Remi to preschool in the morning I either take Maggie with us or have a walking stick- Kyle thinks I am overreacting but I am not taking any chances! I think I will Prime a mini airhorn next....he should love that.

9. Oh and yes, I can walk Remi to school! It's my favorite thing to do! She is LOVING her new school. They play outside a lot and take the kids on nature walks. It's pretty cool. Bonus: There's an Alpaca farm across the street from her school. We stop to say hi every morning and goodnight every night.

10. Fog. Yeah it gets foggy, but it also gets really sunny and beautiful. I feel that living in Vancouver prepared me for all kinds of weather. The nice thing is that when it's 90+ "Over The Hill" it's usually about 20 degrees cooler here.

I feel like I can go on and on. I'll save some stuff for later, but you get the idea. Here's the's NEVER easy having to pick up and move. I have had to leave jobs that I love, leave friends and family and take Remi away from her "YaYa" as well as her preschool where she had the same little friends for 2 & 1/2 years. I cried so much leaving Vans, it was by far my favorite place I have ever worked. Starting over is rough. Making new friends is hard.  I have been lucky to land in some pretty great places and meet some pretty great people. Vancouver brought us Remi, who knows what Northern California will bring us? As long as I am near the ocean and mountains I am happy. Tahoe is only 5 hours away! And I have to admit that the fact that I now live in the birthplace of Burning Man makes me so happy. It's not foreign here, people understand my family and why I will always call the Playa home. I guess there's a whole NorCal vs. SoCal thing, I haven't lived here long enough to be able to compare the two. I will say that where I live is one of my favorite places ever. I feel lucky to call Montara home. It's small-town, just how I like it. And when I need some city life I can just drive right over that hill and get my fill. Then come back home to the beautiful coast.

So once again I hope you'll stick around and follow our new adventures here on the coast!

Remi & Kyle walking from our house to visit the Llamas.

Remi and her Cookie.

Just taking her horse on a walk down to the beach.

Montara Beach at sunset.

Me, pretty much everyday. Kidding...sorta. 

Beautiful shot of Montara Beach. 
photo credit: Lanny S.

Blooms on the bluff.

Happy girl.

Trail walkers.

More blooms on the bluff.

The Alpaca Farm across from our house and Remi's school. 
photo credit: Alpacas by the Sea.

Remi also gets an awesome view of the mountains and ocean from her room!

~Mrs. G aka: Montara Mamma