Of course not giving a shit lead me to do some pretty stupid things, but for the most part, not giving a shit throughout my life has served me pretty well. I moved to new towns not afraid that I knew no one, backpacked through Spain and ended up in Ibiza for the year 1999-2000 after a bad breakup, tried different careers and not giving a shit even lead me to meeting my Husband. I also started going to Burning Man and definitely didn't give a shit what close-minded a$$holes thought about it.
Since becoming a mother I find myself not giving a shit on a whole new level:
-Milestones: Unless my Dr is worried, then I do not give a shit. Remi will do things when she is good and ready.
-My everyday bun: It's my new look. It's easy and I can dress it up with a head wrap. (I have matching ones with Remi. I also don't give a shit if you think that's ridiculous).
-Going out with spit-up on my shirt. I know it's there, it will dry and I cannot be bothered to change-again.
-Having a glass of wine or a beer during the day. Some days just call for it.
I asked a couple of friends what are some of the things they don't give a shit about since becoming moms:
-Unsolicited advise: Ahhh yes, we really don't give a shit to hear this from you. We'll ask if we need it.
-Joining cliquey mommy clubs where the moms continually compare their baby to your baby.
-Expanding social circles-being with family is what counts now.
-Letting the dog lick the baby! I love this. I too don't give a shit if my dogs lick Remi. I just clean her hands if they really got them slobbery.
-Sanitizing pacifiers: just rinse in water, that'll do!
-Getting dressed up. I love this! My friend explains that while she takes the time to make sure her babe is dressed really cute, she herself goes out in yoga pants. She also goes out with spit-up on her shirt too.
And lastely...Showering. This made me laugh. Yes I don't give a shit to shower everyday either.
~Mrs. G
Here's me and my friend Stacey not giving a shit in Venice Beach in 1986.
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