We needed this little getaway. The past three months have been a whirlwind of emotions and I just have to say that I am one lucky lady to have the Husband that I do. He has made nearly every meal for us, cleaned, done all the shopping and taken care of our dogs when all I felt like doing was sleeping. Because really that's all I have been doing is sleeping. I got pretty lucky as I bypassed the whole morning sickness thing, but I sure as hell didn't bypass the crazies.
Some days I am great, others I have had three modes: I can tolerate you, I want to rip your head off, or I cry - at everything. Kyle has been able to navigate so elegantly around all three of these and let me tell you he deserves a medal!
So far I hate: steamed vegetables, fish (unless it's fish and chips, then I LOVE fish), avocados, anything raw which is why cooking most meals is out, steak, chicken is sometimes out, some egg dishes and anything curry. These were all things that I loved.
I love all carbs and sweets. Remember that Whole30 thing I did? That is so far out the window it's ridiculous. My hope is that I get some of my healthy eating habits back in this second trimester. Thank God for yogurt and fruit, because I love that. Most food really just grossed me out. I also have a little bump already. It could be fat from all the ice cream and pasta, but I had a pretty flat stomach back in June, especially after I did that Whole30. People say I am having a boy since I popped out so soon, others say it's because I am short and there's really no place to go but out. All I know is that I can't button my jeans.
Speaking of having a boy, we won't find out the gender for a few weeks yet. There's a law here in Canada that prevents the Dr's from telling you until you are 20 weeks...and ONE day. I considered for about 1/2 a day not finding out at all, when I asked Kyle he laughed. We have awesome names for a boy and a girl so we're prepared! Very few people know what names we would go with, I just don't see the reason to announce it to the world quite yet. We could change our mind once we meet our little peanut. Plus people can't talk sh*t about a name or be opinionated once it's attached to a cute little babe.
All in all, aside from the emotions and now the onset of headaches I feel great. I have a ton of books that were given to me in the past, but I really only read three: a pregnancy week by week one, The Girlfriend's Guide To Pregnancy and Belly Laughs. I tend to stay away from What To Expect only because I feel it's filled with a bunch of technical stuff that can scare you. I more or less just skim through most of these anyways.
Anyhow, I am working on a couple of other posts that hopefully will go up this week or next week. I'm a little all over the place and jumping around so just stick with me. I totally forgot to link to "Your Pins Are Hurting My Eyes - Part Two" so please go check that out and get all caught up!
Here are a few shots of our weekend so far...I'm going to soak in the tub and do more of this relaxing thing...
Waking up to this view does not get old.
Or ending the day with this sunset.
Tofino Public Market: Relaxing includes shopping and eating for me.
Getting a shot of Kyle getting the shot.
My love...the most patient man in the world.
My view.
~Mrs. G